My ideas are running ahead to me.
The story about Ringflash Adapter




One indigent photographer of provincial city, owing a camera what was bought on Ebay, he  try to sustain by the photography rapportages of city actions,  weddings and product pictures for price  more than low .
In the contrast with the above mentioned ones, he is still  looking for the glamour pictures of the Fashion TV beginning at that time, dazling rapportage of  fashion shops (catwalk) in New York, Paris, Milano.
He would like to be on the sunlight, in the centre of  favour, but his pictures are still some  grey  and inexpressive ones, and a flash, bought on  Ebay, it also gave its best flashes already somebody other.
So what is remaining ? Only day-dreams and fantasy, fantasy, fantasy ?
That is  correct !!!!.
The Action.
He  waken-up at one day and his once sleepy eyes were  peculiar goggle suddenly. He was standing up less any word, and excavate the throwed out and empty paper boxes in the nearest supermarket. Than, his hands only fulfill the commands given by his fantasy. The first step for  Ringflash Adapter was done.
He was putting on the first prototype of adapter onto flash, and oops, no function. Imperfect shape of adapter assembled of the parts cutted out from a carton and glued together by hotmelt glue gun and with  the inside surface lined by the packaging material of chocolade -  nothing else could  be showed. A falling short of expectation ? Yes,  it will arrive many times yet in the future. He don't know meanwhile, that the prospective succes will be usually bought back by the failures, and the doubts about the correct solution will never leave him.
It is neccessary to change the approach and let the light refraction and reflexion to work. The pencil, protractor and calculator were a most frequent working helps in the few next months. The optical prism arrive after few hundreds examinations - the "V" shape prizm and correctly refracted and directed light finally brings  the succes. The development of  the mounting flash head prototype was an aditional step. As showed later, this part was also fully new, never used anytime before.
The Investor looking for.
With the prototype of Ringflash Adapter  fixed on the above mentioned Flash of Ebay, photographer take a walk all the actions like usually, but now, the light changed to pleasant. If  used the correct overexposition ,  the wrinkles on the skin were expunged and the undesirable shadows and  reflections on the product photos  were reduced. And all of it  were obtained by this curious thing. Photographer have has a lightened work, and the idea to try the production  realisation have spreaded in his mind. The months were running away, and rich peoples, whom the Ringflash Adapter was introduced, they were tapping to the forehead only, and were probably thinking, with whom madman they would  to collaborate, to be sure, all things were already imagined! The situation was hopeless. Finally, at one of the routin work,  at the one rich man and his wife portray, he was very surprised by the final impression of pictures what were made less any retouch and so offered a posibility to invest and establish the joint  venture  with maximal investment 20000,00 USD. All things were suddenly magic and shinning,  were all the doubt out for ever ? But as it was showed soon, this ammount was enough  for the patents registration and start  the  production series with very little pcs only. It was neccessary to go to the risk and take a bank credit.
Photokina 2006
Ringflash  arriving into World
The doubt, at now joined with the obligations for the other people and bank, it  changed to the permanent depression. Photokina 2006 - first two hours after opening, the Ringflash Adapter is accepted with wonder and admiration, the stand is submerged by endless crowds of people with the  exclamations of wonder time to time. Wow, it is really in function !
Triumphal return with order over 100000,00 USD and interest of many trade firms. But where and what way to produce so many pieces ? Yet, the remainings money have enough for few hundreds pcs only, and the optical prisms must be polished by hand. The initial (eufory) is replaced by the fall to the reality.
The production (martirium)
The orders, reached over ten times the production capacity, arrived each day. After one Year of uneffective and problematic production,  the still indigent photographer  is calling his mind to the service, and together with a pencil and protractor, the new Ringflash Adapter, is going out on the World. The most important and basic part  is a light conveyer, ensuring the light transmision to whole cirkle of Adapter.
The new Ringflash adapter production starts in 2007 - it has a contemporary shape,  the RAY FLASH company  is established and the goods what is in a sufficient number on  stock promise finally trade succes. The shock have arrived few months after. Idea is purloined, the pirate copies, produced in China are extended into World, the trade and moral rights are not observed. The rights levy for the  small company  profit is very slow and expensive. The goods circulation  is accelerated by globalisation, but the method of the rights levy are still behind. 
Here is only one  possible solution for future, be free of the voracious parasitic plagiaris, to clear the mind and be everytime a step ahead as about the new project development, although the price for this simple formullated slogan is very high.
All the to-days and next invention of  former photographer is concentrated to RAY FLASH trade mark. The new, revolutionary flash bracked - RAY FLASH Rotator is prepared for the production under the RAY FLASH trade mark, and the next original solutions will follow it. 
The final aim is to build fully new, complete line of photo accessories, "Made by RAY FLASH", what will bring  "BETTER LIGHT IN YOUR IMAGES". 


Written: 2010 October,8
České Budejovice,Czech Republic,Europe


Dalibor Zyka - ringflash adapter inventor,RAY FLASH trade mark owner
Date of birth: 1961 November,28


Na Lukach 1a
37316 Dobra Voda u C.Budejovic
Czech Republic





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